Summer 2019 is off to a pretty amazing start. While it wasn’t technically summer when I celebrated my birthday (June 18th) it feels like the right place to start this story. I had been hunting for a cute little car to get around town in, I’ve had a few classics in the past but never found myself driving them much. I’ve always been a little precious about keeping them garaged and end up worrying I’m going to get a door ding or scratch the new paint job.
I finally found the perfect middle of the road car, an 85 Mercedes 350 SL. New enough that I didn’t have to worry about power steering or drum brakes, but old enough to still feel cute as hell.
My husband decided to surprise me with a trip up to San Diego to pick up the (I kid you not) most perfect version of this car that I’ve ever seen! Only 77,000 miles and in mint condition!

I left my 20s in the dust starting with a road trip up to Madonna Inn in my new car with my friend Gia. Gia’s been getting into photography and she’s really good! We took photos in the Love Nest suite and had an all-out slumber party before the rest of the gang, (Tommy, Camille, and Logan) drove up to join. It was the perfect place to celebrate 30.
A lot of people have been asking me how I feel about turning the big 3-0. Well, to be honest… great! I’ve said many times the worst part about turning 30 is how often I have to tell people that I’m not mad about it. I mean come on, so many of my friends have really hit their stride in the 30s. They aren’t wearing crappy makeup, they don’t have a crappy boyfriend anymore…
Besides, I’m back in school now finishing the last units of my undergrad and starting a master’s program and to be honest, it’s a little nerdy how excited I’ve been to be back in school. I took the liberty of completing all of my assigned reading for all 16 units before the semester even started. Next on the chopping block? Picking a new look to go along with it all.

Yandy Structured Babe One Piece Swimsuit
Don’t worry, I’m not abandoning my vintage-inspired looks in the least. I just decided (naturally) that I wanted to start wearing more outfits that go with my car. (Crazy? Maybe a little.) I made a few new purchases and picked out some cute new items from Yandy to go with it too. I figured the best concept would include more 70s/80s academic vibes... I’ve shopped at Yandy for lingerie and swimwear for a while now (does anybody remember the Valentine’s Day giveaway that I partnered with them on?) but I didn’t know how extensive their clothing and swim collections were!

Long Sleeve Crop Top and Yandy Jersey Skort
I scored some really cute pieces that I think capture the look I’m going for. Something I’m calling a sort of “1985 bad girl of the country club” look. The look goes perfect with my new favorite car and I’m excited to see how else my style evolves in this next decade.
Besides, I feel like I look and feel my best these days. 30 is looking pretty good so far thanks in so small part to my cute new outfits from Yandy !

Born a Beauty Maxi Dress