Voracious Doesn't Begin to Cover It

I like to call myself a binge reader (voracious doesn't begin to cover it).
It's been an especially indulgent month, so I figured I'd compile a list of some of the best books I’ve read (or re-read) in the last month or so.
Come As You Are - Emily Nagoski
Nagoski's 'Come as You Are' is scientific look at female sexuality, broken down into concepts that can be easily understood. (Think ‘arousal non-concordance’ and ‘criterion velocity’ explained in plain English) Nagoski is effervescent and at times hilarious, her personality and passion for science bubble through the pages.
I’m hoping I have a chance to read her newest work ‘Burnout’ later this month and keep checking her website to see if she'll be speaking in LA anytime soon.
Can’t recommend this one more highly.
Getting the Love You Want - Harville Hendrix
I’ve reread Getting the Love You Want two or three times now and I always find something new. This is one of the books I recommend constantly, regardless of rather or not the person I’m recommending it to is in a relationship.
I won’t say much more other than that I dare you to read it and say you didn’t get anything out of it.
Chasing the Scream- Johann Hari
Ok, admittedly I’m still in the middle of this one but damn if it isn’t blowing my mind so far. You can check out Johann Hari’s TED Talk for an idea of what to expect from this one (content, tone). I’m a huge fan of Billie Holiday so I was fascinated by his account of the persecution she faced at the hands of Harry J. Anslinger.
An eye-opening account of the war on drugs and the misconceptions perpetuating our understanding of addiction.
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts - Gabor Maté
Harrowing and gritty, there are times where Maté attempts to draw what seem to be undue parallels between his own addiction to classical music and the afflictions of the patients he treats, but the approach to harm reduction in addicts is a fascinating study in humanity and compassion.
One of the books I read in advance of the classes I’ll be beginning (today!) at Antioch. I switched between reading and listening to title on Audible.
Driving around LA while listening to Clegg’s account is more than a little unsettling. I appreciate the honesty Clegg practiced in portraying himself in his most unhinged state. Far from glamorous, this is the account of a man stuck in the mania of a binge and a cycle of self-sabotage.
Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered - Karen Kilgraff and Georgia Hardstark
I purchased the audiobook edition of this title for the drive home from San Luis Obispo, which I visited for my birthday. My friend Gia and I are both fans of the My Favorite Murder podcast, but we weren't sure what to expect from the audiobook.
Although this book wasn't what I anticipated-I think Gia and I both expected it to have more of a true crime component-we were still pleasantly surprised (e.g. Paul Giamatti pops up as a guest narrator!!)
Kilgraff and Hardstark offer the signature components of what makes their podcast so special in a series of their own stories and impart their knowledge in their own unique style. Fun, easy, and perfect for anyone who enjoys MFM.
In closing, there are a lot more books that I still haven't gotten around to reading... and a few that I read/re-read this month but didn't have time to review (Ethical Slut, Beyond the Pill). I'll keep you posted. If you read any of these and want to share your thoughts, be sure to leave me a comment on my Instagram.
Happy reading. :)
P.S. Image is via Chris Maggio for Interview Magazine
This blog does contain affiliate links, but all recommendations are genuine. Feel free to check your local library (or Hoopla!) for free copies of these titles.