Merida Magic: Part 2

Finally, I've finished part two! There was just too much vintage inspired goodness to cram into a single post, so without further ado, I bring you the conclusion of our adventure!
3 Vintage Divas & a Photoshoot
Our first day of shooting was magic. As I mentioned in my last post, shooting with Shannon has always been something I look forward to.
The first outfit I wore was a beautiful blue dress with buttons all down the front. I felt like a million dollars.
I opted to do my own hair and makeup for this shoot and although the first couple changes went off without a hitch, there was definitely a learning curve for me. Not because I'm not well acquainted with doing my own hair, I'd just forgotten about just how brutal humidity can be on a good hairstyle.
Halfway through the shoot, I had to run to the bathroom to re-curl and apply half a bottle of hairspray. But by day two, I was a pro. My southern instincts had finally kicked in and I styled and sprayed my hair like there was no tomorrow.
Perhaps there's a reason southern women are famous for oversprayed, overtly styled hair. Maybe it's not as much a chosen style as a regional requirement for combatting that southern humidity!
When I'm home in California, I usually opt for flexirods. They're something I sleep in a couple nights a week and they save my hair from the damage of using a curling iron every day.
(I still love my curling iron, I try to just use it with restraint throughout the week!)
All of the outfits we shot were so beautiful. I think I loved our group shots the most because it gave us all chance to show off our own personal style. The same outfit can look so different when styled by a different girl! We all brought something unique to our looks, I think.
Getting to know Jasmin, Romy, Charlotte, Shannon, and Carlos was truly a high point of the trip. There wasn't a bad apple in the bunch.
All of the Vintage Diva pieces that I had a chance to model were stunning and fit me like a glove! I know there are several pieces I plan on adding to my collection of vintage inspired dresses once they're available!
Our Dzibilchaltun Adventure
The shoot went off without a hitch and we even had a chance to do a little bit of exploring on our time off. For those of you who watched my Instagram story, you already know that we headed out to Dzibilchaltun, a Mayan Archeological Site about 30 minutes outside of town.
We climbed the steps of structures built thousands of years ago and visited the famed "Temple of the Seven Dolls".
After a little exploring, the girls opted to go for a dip in a sink hole which has now become a popular swimming spot.
I was not so keen on the idea after reading the information plaque. Apparently, archeologists have excavated quite a few skeletons from that sinkhole... So I told the girls that I had no intention of visiting the Mayan Underworld in my dreams at night and decided to avoid all possibility of ending up 'cursed' and surmised to sit with our things.
Nope. Nope. Nope.
The Memories
There were too many great moments for me to attempt to detail them all, but I know I'll look back at all our photos from the shoot with lots fond memories of the good times, midnight dance parties, and all the amazing food we shared.
There's nothing like sharing a good meal with great people and laughing til your full belly wants to explode. I'll be dreaming of tacos for a great deal to come (but not the Mayan Underworld, thank you very much!)